RICH REVIEWS: Charlie Red Star

Charlie Red Star CoverTitle: Charlie Red Star (paperback book)
Publisher: Dundurn
Author: Grant Cameron
Price: $ 19.99 US, £ 13.99 UK
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: 1 The Arrival of Charlie Red Star
In Carman, Manitoba for nearly two years with almost nightly sightings a UFO that came to be called Charlie Red Star was seen and others. This book tells the stories of those who saw the UFO’s. Grant Cameron passes on the information he was told in interviews with those who saw Charlie Red Star.
2 Witnesses and Testimonies to Charlie Red Star
People in Carman would have multiple sightings of Charlie Red Star. Some had over eighty sightings. These are real reports not embellished at all. So they may be a bit boring but they are all from actual people claiming to see a UFO.
These are the true stories as they actually happened with no embellishment.
3 Classics
Here we have individual sightings that were transcribed. It is hard to believe there were so many sightings in the same area.
4 It’s Funny They Should Be the Same
Here the idea that UFO’s come from another dimension is looked at. What attracts the UFO’s that may be answered in this chapter. Also, it is noted that many of the sightings had similarities to them. Many different people reported the same things.
5 Cameras, Photographers, and Charlie Red Star
There are a few black and white photographs of the UFO’s. It is mentioned about tons of photos being taken and a couple movies.
6 Landings
Here a few people actually saw little men when a craft landed. Were these actual aliens walking on Earth? It certainly seems that way.
7 Ground Lights
The ground lights were a mystery in some aspects. They are separate from the bigger Charlie Red Star but can join together.
8 Nuclear Connection
UFO’s seem to hang out around nuclear plants or bomb sites. When the nuclear bombs left Carman so did the UFO’s, coincidence or not?
Appendix 1: Carman Poll Evaluation, November 30, 1976
This poll taken at a school in Carman does show a high interaction with UFO’s.
Appendix 2: Charlie Red Star Poetry
The poems are well written and all about the UFO Charlie Red Star.
The whole book is well written and clear on all the subjects in it. It is easy to follow and reads smoothly. If you have an interest in UFO’s you are sure to love reading this. 

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