RICH REVIEWS: Champions # 64

Title: Champions # 64
Publisher: Heroic Publishing
Writer: Dennis Mallonee
Artists: Luis Rivera, Chris Marinan, Henry Martinez
Colors: Escomic!, Nataliya Torretta (Grafimated Studios)
Letters: Dick O’Malley
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 5.75 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “On the Trail of the Abominable Ogre” by Dennis Mallonee and Luis Rivera, colors by Escomic! and letters by Dick O’Malley.
G-Girl is a different kind of hero. He seems unsure of his sexuality. She/he is a unique character. Her gorgeously drawn body will have you appreciating it. Her face is illustrated more manly but still attractive.
G-Girl and Icestar face the Ogre. Ogre is a big brute, like a hobgoblin on steroids. The fight does deliver some great action poses.
The main story here is not the fighting but the relationship building between Icestar and G-Girl. Finding out more about G-Girl makes you realize that she/he is not your average everyday hero. She is a hero though and a Champion.
“The Origin of the Nemesis Girl” by Dennis Mallonee and Chris Marrinan, colors by Nataliya Torretta (Grafimated Studios) and letters by Dick O’Malley.
This is a short four-page introduction to Nemesis Girl and it delivers excitement. You will be ready to see more of her.
“Adventures with My Little Brother” by Dennis Mallonee and Henry Martinez, colors and letters by Dick O’Malley.
G-Girl has one horny little brother and also one sexy girlfriend for him to flirt with. He does get some hands-on experience at flirting with her.
It is nice the way the stories feature certain members of the Champions rather than the whole team. This way you get to know them better. G-Girl is a super-hero that certainly deserves your attention as she makes her/his way in life.

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