Title: Camelot Gang: Jericho of the West # 1
Written & Created by: Zach Becket
Artwork by: J.C. Granke
Lettered by: ES Kay
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: The art is done is a simple style it draws the basics well it just needs more detail. The smaller details need to be filled in.
A gunslinger comes to town to see Merlin. He is named Trigger which certainly fits. Now Trigger and Sheriff Merlin are both two tough as nails guys and both are willing to fight to the death if need be.
The comic does show us the first meeting of Merlin and Trigger. They did have a friendship in a rough tough sort of way. Merlin’s gang he wanted for other reasons than to just have a gang or to rob people. He wanted a better world.
This is the start of the Camelot Gang now lead by Author and his wanting Merlin back. Things have started here and once they start things will just keep going and the end result will lead to death.
This is a tough old west story with a hint of medieval times thrown in. Merlin is a character created to fit the times he is living in.
The story needs more to it. This issue focuses on Merlin and Trigger and it did need to tell us more about Merlin and his vision and why it changed. More about what makes Merlin himself would have been nice to see. Merlin is a great character and it is a wonderful idea to see that character in a different setting such as the old west.