Title: Brina the Cat# 1 “The Gang of the Feline Sun” (GN)
Publisher: Papercutz
Script: Giorgio Salati
Art, Color, and Cover: Christian Cornia
Lettering and Layout: Alessandro Aureli
Translation: Olivia Rose Doni
Price: $ 9.99 US, $ 12.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: Brina is taken on vacation in the mountains. Brina thanks to a wild cat gets some new ideas on what she might like.
The art is done in a cute style. The coloring is soft. All the cats are drawn so you can see they have different personalities.
The Gang of the Feline Sun want Brina to join them. Meanwhile her owners are so worried. They are heartbroken over the thought of her running off or worse.
We get to watch as Brina has her adventure with the gang and also her owners Sam and Margret as they are so sad missing Brina. You will feel so sorry for the two owners. Brina does start to see that she may have been wrong.
As the story goes on with Brina away from her owners you know more and more just how much they love her. Brina is not just a cat she is part of their family.
The ending to this story will bring a tear to your eye.