Title: Breaks 2: Truth and Dare (GN)
Publisher: Soaring Penguin Press
Artist: Emma Vieceli
Writer: Malin Ryden
Cover Colors by: Triona Farrell
Price: $ 25.99 US, £15.99 UK
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.soaringpenguinpress.com
Comments: Ian Tanner and Cortland Hunt are the stars of this book. This book is filled with drama and more drama.
Mr. Hunt and Mr. Tanner are drawn as two teenagers with feelings for each other. They are illustrated kissing very passionately.
Ian is ready to make some decisions concerning his life and his happiness. Their relationship is still very early into it. They are getting to know each other and for Ian, this is his first same-sex relationship. Cortland we are not told anything about his past relationships.
Ian is turning eighteen and he is trying to figure where his life is going. Cortland as well is trying to figure out his life and where he is heading. We do get to see both of them making headway and taking charge of their lives.
Ian and his girlfriend finally have their breakup which goes surprisingly well.
Cortland has had one hard childhood. Here now secrets are revealed. Cortland learns things that will change the way he looks at himself and his brother to.
Cortland Hunt has his first boxing match in years and he proves he still has it. He does go on the hunt in the ring. Cortland and Harvey his brother do end up sharing a moment.
Everyone around these two Ian and Cortland does accept who they are and the ones who know about their being boyfriend and boyfriend accept that too. It is nice to be accepted for who you are. Ian and Cortland’s relationship is moving along nicely.
These two boys becoming men are beautifully portrayed here in a loving relationship. Lots of emotions come out here and the art is lovely to see. The characters are so full of drama and so believable. You get to see a beautiful relationship based on love blooming.