Title: Bountiful Garden # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Ivy Noelle Weir
Artist: Kelly Williams
Colorist: Giorgio Spalleta
Letterer: Justin Birch
Book Designer: Diana Bermudez
Price: free
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: http://www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: Cryogenic sleepers start to awake on a ship. They are from Earth and they are children. Now they awake early and find a planet so a landing party needs to investigate it. The children are unsure about what to do, yet they do manage to get a plan together. They realize they have to or they will die.
The three in the landing party find a desolate landscape. The landing shuttle is very well designed and looks great. The people are illustrated nicely to bring out their individual characteristics. As you get into them more in future issues you will care more about them.
This is a good first issue as it introduces the characters and sets up for what is to come. There is something sinister about this unknown planet. It is mysterious and you can feel the danger.