Title: Bonnie Lass: The Committed # 3
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Story by: Michael Mayne & Tyler Fluharty
Script & Art by: Michael Mayne
Price: $ 3.95 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.red5comics.com
Comments: Bonnie on a motorcycle with a sword spells trouble. She is drawn cute with some nice butt shots. Her ride gets exciting and explosive.
Ben and Trick Bonnie’s companions find her ship and of course, a brawl breaks out. Villers is illustrated as a beautiful baddie. Villers is also drawn in some great action poses that show this villain can fight with or without her whip. This is an all-out brawl with lots of fists and feet flying. This issue does focus as much on the two men crew as on Bonnie herself.
It is still a complete mystery as to what this Eye of the Leviathan can do? There are no clues at all given. Why do so many people want it and what do they want it for?
Meanwhile Bonnie is on the move and after the Eye. Bonnie does know how to make an entrance. She makes herself the focus of all around her. This girl is one cute powder keg.