Title: Bonnie Lass: The Committed # 2
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Story by: Michael Mayne & Tyler Fluharty
Script & Art by: Michael Mayne
Price: $ 3.95 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.red5comics.com
Comments: The Eye of Leviathan is what everyone wants but what can it do?
Captain Cutlass and Captain Rubens are making a deal.
Bonnie Lass gets some cute butt shots here. The art as she is climbing does show that this is definitely a girl. Her face and attitude are so cute. Her father Captain Cutlass is drawn as a calm man who knows he is just that good. He is stuck up yet his attitude says he can back it up.
Villers and Bonnie get into one hard-hitting cat fight. Here we get one wonderful butt shot of Bonnie. These two ladies though really go at it and are drawn to show how tough they are at dishing it out and taking it.
Bonnie Lass is determined once her mind is made up there is no stopping her.
The characters are all wonderfully portrayed. Yet Bonnie does stand out she is small, cute, lovable and one tough ass broad who you do not want to ever cross. She makes this comic and her on an adventure is thrilling.