Title: Blood & Dust: The Life & Undeath of Judd Glenny Volume 1 (TPB)
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Written by: Michael R. Martin and Adam J. Orndorf
Illustrated by: Roy Allan Martinez
Coloring by: Raymund Lee
Lettering by: Kel Nuttall
Cover by: Roy Allan Martinez
Price: $ 11.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com,
Comments: “This book contains gratuitous vampiric violence and VERY BAD THINGS!”
This book collects issues one through three.
When Judd tells you to settle down you better listen. As you see Judd and his grandchildren you realize they are not an ordinary family. The violence will sock you and the feeling of horror seeps off the page.
As the story unfolds we learn Judd is a mean old man or something but he does have a good heart sort of. When it comes to children he does the right thing.
Judd Glenny though is a vampire.
The art gives this book just the right atmosphere. The kids and their mother will give you shivers.
Now vampires are deadly and scary but in the swamp exists something else.
Judd is the vampire of legends and he is so much more. This tale has violence and one ornery vampire that is sure to touch a part of you. Just be careful what part he touches.
The Boggy Depot Monster is active and Judd is on the hunt. The build-up for this swamp creature does set it up as a mysterious thing.
The art gives the entire comic a feel of horror that reeks of vile evil. Even Judd may be sort of nice but the horrific side of him you can see is near the surface waiting to come out.
Its vampire vs swamp creature and both are powerful but only one will survive.
The letters and balloons and coloring on them add such a terrifying aspect to the overall presentation of the page.
This comic just builds up the suspense to the coming battle. There are forces entering the fray that are unknown. You will find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the coming destruction.
This is a comic you can sink your teeth into.
Momma is one mean evil destructively drawn vampire. When she comes out to play all Hell breaks loose. Do not piss Momma off.
Momma and her family fight a swamp creature. It’s vampires vs swamp creature.
These vampires are going to scare you. Judd is terrifying enough and his grandchildren. Then add in Momma and things get amped up to over the top horrifying.
The Boggy Depot Monster is defeated but what is now loose is so much more deadly. Momma is loose.
For a vampire story with a different telling and take on it, you will love this. Vampires do not sparkle here.