Title: Blood & Dust: Glenny Family Values # 1
Publisher: Night Shade Comics
Created & Written by Michael R. Martin and Adam J. Orndorf
Illustrated by: Tone Rodriguez
Coloring by: Raymund Lee
Cover A by: Tone Rodriguez
Cover B by: Raymund Lee
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.bloodanddustcomic.com
Comments: Beaver City, Oklahoma at night is a dark and scary place. The art subdued. The first look at Mr. Judd Glenny looking all vampiric is a frightening sight.
We get a brief look at how Mr. Judd Glenny got his family with him.
Ruth is someone or something you would not want in your worst nightmare. Meeting her for real would be worse than your worst nightmare.
We see how a vampire is made and it is not a pretty sight.
Judd is the head of his family of vampires. He takes full responsibility for them including his great-granddaughter. You will feel the fear she inspires. Judd will terrify you but Ruth will have you running for your life.