Title: Black Terror Kid # 1
Publisher: Creative Alchemy, Inc.
Writer/Artist: Luis Escobar
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.blackterrorkid.com
Comments: The Black Terror Kid and The Claw both are drawn so cute. The Claw is so colorful which is a nice comparison to The Black Terror Kid who is dressed in black and red.
These two hero and villain carry on a conversation that is amusing. It is outright funny.
The Black Terror Kid does terrorize The Claw. He does not mean to it is just his way. The Claw you will start to feel sorry for. You will be wishing The Black Terror Kid not well wishes.
The bunnies are cute in a creepy sort of way.
This comic is made for younger readers but can be enjoyed by all.
The Black Terror Kid is not really a terror as he is so cute he is just annoying.
This is a fun read with cute art.