RICH REVIEWS: Birds: A Smithsonian Coloring Book

Title: Birds: A Smithsonian Coloring Book
Publisher: IDW
Illustrated by: Rachel Curtis
Price: $ 16.99 US, $ 22.99 Can
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Comments: Right from seeing the cover you will know this is a beautifully illustrated book. The interior art is as gorgeous as the cover. Each drawing shows off the natural beauty of these feathered birds and the backgrounds accent the overall picture perfectly.
Each illustration comes with an informative write-up giving you fun facts and telling you about each bird including its coloring which will if you want help when coloring the illustration. Your knowledge of birds will increase after going through this book.
The birds come in all varieties from Indigo Bunting to Eastern Meadowlark and a lot more.
Coloring in this adult Coloring Book is a great way to relax. You may also find it addictive as the more you color in it the more you want to just keep going until you are finished. You can also add your own take on how to color these avian creatures.
If your a bird and or nature lover you are just going to love this. The art presented in black and white is perfectly set up for coloring. This book delivers.

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