RICH REVIEWS: Big Dweeb Energy

Title: Big Dweeb Energy (TPB)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel
Writer/Artist: Bill Amend
Price: $ 18.99 US, $ 25.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Bill Amend has a wonderful sense of humor. He takes normal everyday days and adds a touch of humor. Whether it is eating, watching TV, or school he has a way to see the fun in these events or how to make them fun.
The interactions of a family are made enjoyable to watch. They have their arguments and the reader gets to enjoy the entertaining way they are looked at. They are just your average family two parents and three children. The situations that occur now are things that usually do not occur. Some things here will have you shaking your head at the silliness.
Andy, Roger, Peter, Paige, and Jason make up this family who have some crazy ideas. They certainly look at things from a unique perspective. Some of the way things are looked at you will not see coming. Just about everything you can think of is touched upon here.
These strips are a delightful way to spend some time putting yourself in a good mood and a good sense of humor.
Bill Amend will brighten your life at least for a little while.

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