Title: Betty & Veronica: Friends Forever # 1
Publisher: Archie Comics
Stories: Bill Golliher
Pencils: Dan Parent
Inks: Rich Koslowski
Letters: Jack Morelli
Colors: Glenn Whitmore
Cover: Dan Parent
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “Riot on the Set!”
The art is so alive, the girls Betty and Veronica are beautifully colored and they are a breath of fresh air to this story. They are out enjoying their lives. Here they visit a movie studio.
Veronica basically pulls an Archie on the set. She is a walking disaster happening all over the set. It is fun to watch and the girls are beautiful to look at.
“Movie Mix-Up!”
Here Betty and Veronica both have dates and a date with Archie. They doubled up which is something we usually see from Archie. This time it’s up to the girls to mess things up. It is entertaining to watch as chaos ensues. The girls are both illustrated as beauties.
“Extra Disastrous!” Betty and Veronica get to be extras in a movie. Here Veronica wants a bigger part. Well, she does get not quite what she wanted. Poor Veronica. Her pouting is cute.
“An Un-Living Doll!” Betty and Veronica saw a scary movie. Veronica, of course, is now frightened by anything. This ending is a surprise and actually a scary one.
Each book in this series will have a theme and this time it is movies.
Betty and Veronica are best friends forever and in these stores, you get to see that come through. The stories are for all ages and the art is done in the classic style. Betty and Veronica will always deliver delightful fun for you.