RICH REVIEWS: Beautiful Canvas #2

Title: Beautiful Canvas # 2
Publisher: Black Mask Studios
Illustrated by: Sami Kivela
Written by: Ryan K Lindsay
Colored by: Triona Farrell
Lettered by: Ryan Ferrier
Cover by: Sami Kivela
Beautiful Canvas Created by: Ryan K Lindsay & Sami Kivela
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Comments: Lon and her girlfriend Asia are having a chat and the more they talk the more we learn. They do make a cute couple. Asia we learn is a mind reader. Yes in this world there are people with powers above the normal human.
So who or what is the little girl that only Lon can see? How are she and Lon attached?
Milla has a helicopter with teeth on it. It is an awesome paint job. Milla is shown for a few panels and her evil side just oozes out.
Alex is the boy everyone wants. With his power, he is a perfect weapon. Still, though he is just a young boy.
Lon all suited up and ready to fight and she does. The art has some nice hard hitting scenes of her against a small army.
Alex listens to the adults talking about him and makes a choice. He is one smart kid and he knows he is special.
Lon, now she does what she thinks is right. This woman is a killer and she is also a hero.

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