Title: Battlecats: The Hunt for the Dire Beast Vol. 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Creator/Writer: Mark London
Artists: Amy King, Michael Camelo
Color Artist: Alejandro Giraldo, Julian Gonzalez
Designer/Letterer: Miguel Zapata
Assistant Colorist: Jonathan Prada
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: madcavestudios.com/
Comments: The Volume collects issues one through five.
“The Quest: Part One” The five Battlecats are on a quest for a legendary creature. The art is gorgeously done showing these animalistic beings. The eyes and teeth jump out at you. In battle, they are a tough group and brave going against any odds. The poses are amazing as the violent action springs to life in this battle between good and evil. The Battlecats exude strength and skill.
“La Marque: Part Two” Inbetween each chapter are beautifully done pin-up pages of the characters that are a must-see.
Again the Battlecats find themselves in a hard-fought battle. The art gorgeously portrays them as skilled fighters. Their opponents are dispatched with them working as a team.
“The Beast: Part Three” The Battlecats make it to the Dire Beast’s lair. As the beast attacks, it is unstoppable. It attacks and just keeps attacking. This issue is an all-out exciting fight. Blood is spilled and the Battlecats fight on the beast does as well. The art is done a little too dark making the characters hard to fully see.
“Lineage: Part Four” Here we get a brief look at how this planet evolved from the Lion God. Eramad III now rules Valderia. He rules by tradition and honor. This world does have a long and rich history.
“The Truth: Part Five” Eramad’s mouth looks terrifying as he is enraged. Kalthan the leader of the Battlecats he does what he thinks is right.
There are more battles brewing. A war is coming. The Darcats are moving against the Valerians. More violence is coming to this planet.
This is a lavish epic story of warriors fighting for what they believe in.