Title: Barbarella: Holiday Special
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Jean-Marc Lofficier
Artist/Letterer/Cover Artist: Jose Luis Ruiz Perez
Colorist: Bryan Wetstein
Price: $ 5.99 US
rice: $ 5.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Here we see Niklaus von Claus an updated version of Santa Claus. This version of Santa Claus is different than you might expect. Way different. Santa’s Village is not for children or good little boys and girls. It is filled with naughty individuals. Barbarella just happens to be on the Planet Christmas so of course, she gets pulled in by Santa to solve the crime. She gets a sidekick to a copy of Maxime Saint-Clair, the Guardian of the Republic whoever he was.
We learn Barbarella’s full name here. An interesting fact to throw in.
Barbarella’s face is illustrated to manly here. Her body is illustrated nicely but not shown off fully. Maxime Saint-Clair is drawn like a super-hero. He acts like one too and as a part detective.
The eyes are off in the way they are drawn. They are drawn off center.
There are a number of suspects in the murders. It was obvious who it was right from the start from the way the characters were described. The killer’s reason for killing is explained and it is lame.
The ending to this story is sort of a happy one even if it makes little sense. This does not seem like a Barbarella adventure. More sex and more adventure were needed.