Title: Argo 5 # 0
Publisher: Argo Comics
Cover: Rick Mays with Colors by Ross Campbell
Flip Cover: Arley Tucker with Colors by Miguel Marques
Story: Dan Sehn
Art: Arley Tucker, Alex Garcia
Colors: Ross Campbell, Giuseppe Pica
Pin-ups by: Rob Banbury, Andy Smith, Rob Lliefeld, Damion Scott, Lous Small Jr., Jamal Igle with inks by Dan Sehn, Mike McKone with colors by Mike McKone, Brad Green, Rich Miller, Craig Bogart, Dave Hoover
Pin-up Colors by: Miguel Marques, Giuseppe Pica
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 7.20 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.argocomics.com
Comments: “Party of Five” Chain Reaction does seem like a normal guy and down to earth. Gladiatra is unsure about getting involved with the team. The one man leading this new team’s formation may have convinced her otherwise. Shazrath is a big muscled hero. He loves a good fight. Kasira she is half-Djinn and half-Mortal. She is one action packed woman. Blue Dynamo starts out talking about his relationship with a male werewolf who is his boyfriend. Than some woman shows up out of nowhere apparently Blue Dynamo was talking to her. The scene showing this at the start is not drawn to show it properly. These heroes all come together and form a new team. They look great training together.
“Who are Argo 5?” Here Blue Dynamo tells us briefly about the team members. His date does not turn out all that well. The team has all the components to make it work.
The pin-ups are all gorgeously illustrated.
This is a good introductory issue.