Title: Argent Starr: Tales from the Archives Volume 1 # 5
Publisher: Krel Komix
Writing: Lyn T. Byrd & Ritemus
Art, Lettering & Design: Ritemus
Color: Lyn T. Byrd
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.argentstarr.com,
Comments: The write up before the comic starts is a much needed to fill the reader in on what is going on. This will help you out a lot.
Argent is in a high stakes poker game playing against a most unusual group. They are not playing for money but prizes worth so much more. The finish to this game is not done to bring out the excitement of winning. It just ends.
There is excitement is a high-speed car chase. Lots is happening during it. There are some nice excited facial expressions.
The chase in the sky is exciting as well. Plus the use of alien tech adds to it.
The scenery and tech illustrated here will remind you of Blade Runner. Here though it is Argent after an item that is the driving force of the story.