Title: Archie’s Valentine’s Spectacular # 1
Publisher: Archie Comics
Stories: Ian Flynn, Francis Bonnet, Dan Parent, Frank Doyle
Pencils: Holly G! Dan Parent, Samm Schwartz
Inks: Bob Smith, Jim Amash
Cover: Dan Parent with Rosario “Tito” Pena
Colors: Glenn Whatmore
Letters: Jack Morelli, Samm Schwartz
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “Paths to the Heart” The Spirits of Valentine’s Day; Flowers, Hearts & Candy are drawn as cute characters by Holly G! These three Spirits just want to bring happiness and love. This is a cute story about Betty and Veronica caring about Archie. Archie is going to win no matter what happens here. The colors are bright helping to make the art stand out. The Spirits though are so much fun to see.
“Heartbreaker Havoc” Sabrina summons Heartbreaker an anti-Cupid creature by mistake. Heartbreaker does exactly what his name says. He is a flying red troublemaker. Jughead we see here does have some heart in his feeling.
“Be Your Valentine!” Veronica finds a love for her is not for her and she is happy about it. Jughead is happy too and his stomach is in love.
“Kidded Kidders” Playing jokes is fun especially when the one on the receiving end makes out better than the joksters. Nice story with great art. Poor Archie and Reggie.
“3 Goes Into 3…!” The love lives of the Riverdale gang are summed up as geometric shapes such as a triangle. These shapes can lead to trouble for all except Jughead. Jughead deals with circles. Jughead is above all the romance going on with shapes except when it comes to the shape of food.
These stories are done in the traditional Archie style artwork and the stories are full of entertainment to make you have one enjoyable read.