Title: Archie & Friends Music Jam # 1
Publisher: Archie Comics
Stories & Pencils: Dan Parent
Inks: Jim Amash, Bob Smith
Colors: Glenn Whitmore
Cover: Jeff Shultz with Rosario “Tito” Pena
Letters: Jack Morelli
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “The Fill-in!” Jughead is feeling under the weather so he finds a substitute in the form of a cute little Jellybean. The story goes by fast yet does have a cute ending. It also has a little verbal sparring with Jughead and Veronica which is normal yet still entertaining to see.
“Brigitte’s Jingle Jangle!” Brigitte learns that publicity can be used for the better. We get to see Veronica and Betty sticking by their friend here. They are BFF but they have other friends too.
“And The Winner Is…” Here we have a play on a true life event. it was not funny in real life and is not here.
“Viva La Vinyl!” Archie with help from Jughead they do go to a lot of trouble and cost to fix their mistake. It is nice to see Archie does care for his dad so much.
All these stories have to do with music which fits for Archie since music is a big part of his life. These are all fun-filled stories.