Title: Archie # 14
Publisher: Archie Comics
Story by: Mark Waid
Art by: Joe Eisma
Lettering by: Jack Morelli
Coloring by: Andre Szymanowicz
Cover by: Joe Eisma
Variant Covers by: Derek Charm, Alitha Martinez
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: Archie tries to get Jughead to get a cell phone. Its goes about as you would expect. Archie ends up with a date. The date goes as expected with the old Archie charm and luck. Having Jughead narrating parts of the story adds a nice fun touch to it.
Meanwhile in Switzerland Veronica and Cheryl Blossom do have a nice friendly conversation. Kind of like a mongoose and a cobra. These two are similar in that both are rich but Veronica has higher morals. Veronica as well does not give in. we do get a good look at Veronica’s personality.
Archie goes overboard trying to be like Jughead. He should be like Archie that is who he is.
Veronica is still ruthless but knowing Archie and Riverdale has changed her. Veronica Lodge actually now we see she has a soul here. She feels sorry for winning at the cost of another.
Jughead Jones is Archie’s best friend. As such we see his loyalty put to the test as he must save Archie.
Joe Eisma treats us to a beautiful pin-up of Cheryl in the back. She is one cute redheaded school girl.
The one thing most obvious in this issue is that Archie and Veronica belong together. They are the couple supreme.