Title: And We Love You # 1
Publisher: Scout Comics
Writer: Fell Hound
Artist: Fell Hound
Cover Artist: Angela Wu
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.scoutcomics.com
Comments: There are two factions at war here. It is the Resistance vs the Regime which is led by the Baron. Two women in the Resistance Wooz aka Julie Rao and Headkase aka Kasey Cormack are friends. These women bond while going through this war and they see so much killing.
Headkase gets sent home after being injured and makes a date to meet Wooz at her favorite restaurant in a few months when her tour of duty is over. It is sad cause it makes you start to think about how dangerous war can be and if Wooz will show up for that date.
Then it slowly creeps up on you what you are reading and seeing. The horror of war sinks in here. You will feel the sorrow and loss and heartbreak as only a soldier can. This comic brings the message across just how awful and hurtful war can be.
The art is beautifully done and brings you to the battlefields here in this futuristic war. The women are normal women out doing their duty. Yet the bond they formed is so strong. The story and art complement each other on a level rarely seen.
If this book does not bring a tear to your eye, you’re dead.