RICH REVIEWS: American Daredevil

Title: American Daredevil
Publisher: Chapterhouse
Author: Brett Dakin
Price: $ 24.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This book is about Lev Gleason and his Dare Devil comic series and more. Lev moved to New York where he helped to create the comic book. In June 1934 the first comic books were sold.
Lev created a character called the Daredevil who first battle the Claw.
Lev was heavily influenced by the war and Hitler. Lev did move into crime comics too.
Lev did put in a lot of hard work. He also published a newspaper.
Now Lev found himself in trouble being accused of contempt of court. Lev basically gave in so he would not have to go to jail.
Comics did have a hard fight staying alive as some people wanted to stop them from being published or censor them so much that they would not be worth buying.
The censorship of comic books, magazines, or any newsprint publication has been a huge idea of debate. Racist attitudes are prevalent in the media and people are not afraid to accuse others blindly.
Of course, Dr. Wertham and his book Seduction of the Innocent is mentioned.  He thought comic books should be banned.
Lev Gleason after selling comic books got into selling real estate. He was a natural salesman.
This book does deliver so much information. You get to learn all about Lev Gleason in all his aspects. You get to follow his life in comics and out.
Lev published a ton of comic books, magazines, newspapers, and books. He was a very important part of the history of the comic book industry.

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