RICH REVIEWS: Alice Never After # 1

Title: Alice Never After # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Created by: Dan Panosian
Written by: Dan Panosian
London Illustred by: Dan Panosian
Wonderland Illustrated by: Giorgio Spalletta with assistance by Cyril Glerum
Colored by: Francesco Segala with assistance from Gloria Martinelli
Lettered by: Jeff Eckleberry
Cover by: Dan Panossian
Variant Covers by: Jenny Frison, Inhyuk Lee, and Sean Murphy with Colors by Dave Stewart, Dan Panosian
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating:  out of 5 stars
Comments: Poor Alice’s doctors experimented on her and now she is all messed up in the head. She does though in her head live out a fantasy of being in Wonderland. All the characters from Wonderland live in her head and the world in her mind does seem so real. Alice does not deserve this fate. Her family cares for her, but only her sister is trying to get her back to normal before the experiments.
Alice’s sister Edith does care for and love Alice.
Alice inside her head is such a delight, you will fall in love with her character. She does get a surprise as do we all. This will certainly change things up in Wonderland.
Alice is just such a delight. She is drawn beautifully as well. The story flows along and is over before you know it.
This take on Wonderland is off the wall and will captivate you. Meanwhile, in the real world, Alice is alive if not well. It is like two different stories are going on at the same time.

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