RICH REVIEWS: Alice in Cryptoland

Title: Alice in Cryptoland (HC)
Publisher: NBM
Artist: Nicolas Balas
Writer: Daniel Villa Monteiro
Translation: Margaret Morrison
Price: $ 22.99 US, $ 34.00 Can
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Alice, a young woman, has lost her grandma. Her grandma left her some money, and she decided to invest in Bitcoin. Most people around her, including her parents, are against it.
This article explains Bitcoin. It is difficult to follow, but if you know about computers and the Internet, it might be easier.
Alice’s Bitcoins do keep going up. She is making a lot of money on the computer online. Of course, what goes up can come down.
Alice makes money by explaining how Bitcoins work. The explanation, though, is so hard to follow. She talks about it, and lots of what it said still makes no sense.
El Salvador adopts Bitcoin as its legal tender. Alice moves there to help people understand it.
Alice starts as just a girl who ends up being interested in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrency. She invests and does well. She, at times, gets into it too much. She lets it control her life rather than controlling it as much as she can.
The art does express what is going on in ways you will not miss. The expressions of Alice are clear.
In the end, she learns family and life are as important, if not more so, than any form of money.

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