Title: Actionverse featuring Stray # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Writer: Vito Delsante
Artists: Sean Izaakse, Lee Gaston
Colors: Chris O’Halloran, Wilson Ramos Jr.
Letters: Full Court Press
Cover: Sean Izzaakse with Colors by Chris O’Halloran
Variant Covers: David Golding, Sean Izaakse, Emilio Lopez
Created by: Vito Delsante and Sean Izaakse
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Stray is a street hero and he has healing abilities and body armor to help him in his war on crime.
Stray as a teen former Teen Aegis. The team is made up of Rottweiller aka Stray, Quarrel, and Heavy Metal. The team of three work well together but they are still learning. These are teen heroes fairly new to the game. Certainly new to being on a team of teens. The team though does come across as a cheap version of the Teen Titans.
There is some humor here but not much.
The art is done well bringing across Stray as a street level hero. Than as a teen hero in the flashback. The adult super-heroes we see are presented as stern tough role models.
Stray this issue starts out slow but the character is a good one and hopefully future issues will use his full potential.