Title: A Great Big Visual Hug (GN)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Writer/Artist: Andres J. Colmenares
Price: $ 16.99 US, $ 22.99 Can
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.andrewsmcmeel.com
Comments: Right from the start you are shown what a real hug is.
The funny way the writer has of delivering a unique situation and the accompanying art will have you smiling. Each page delivers a laugh. The way this is looked at here will stretch your imagination. The interpretations here will warm your heart.
We see animals or objects just living their normal ordinary lives and we see the fun in that. The humor is outstanding here.
The little girl thinking of her dog is so touching. It pulls at your heartstrings.
So many creatures are featured here and they know how to have fun. You will as you go through this book.
The way normal things are looked at will pleasantly surprise you. An owl opens its eyes in the morning.
These illustrations are fun and elicit emotions from the reader. This is a gift to your soul.