Title: 100 Things Spider-Man Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (Trade Paper)
Publisher: Triumph Books
Author: Mark Ginocchio
Price: $ 14.95 US, $ 19.95 Can
Rating: out of 5 stars
Website: www.triumphbooks.com
Comments: As Mark talks about Spider-Man you can feel the love he has for the character.
We are told about Spider-Man’s origin and some background information is included on how Amazing Fantasy # 15 came to be.
Peter Parker we see is just an ordinary teenager one who had an accident and became Spider-Man. We can all relate to him because he has the same problems we do, school, bullies, money, girls and on the wilder side of his character fighting super villains.
Within these pages, you will find many facts that you probably do not know. Some of these facts unless you were searching hard you would probably miss in the comics.
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko have both contributed so much to the creation of Spider-Man. Without them, we might never have had a Spider-Man well certainly not the one we do have. He is flawed but in his heart, he will always be a hero.
All the main supporting characters and lots of the super villains are all mentioned and talked about here. You will get to know them all better than you did before.
All the important life events in Spider-Man and Peter Parker’s life are touched here. Some events mirror real life ones as well.
Spider-Man has beaten many foes and he even managed to beat the Comics Code.
The movies of Spider-Man play a huge part to in his character staying alive and well. The movies do at times diff from the comics.
You get to meet all the most famous and important writers and artists that have worked on the Spider-Man comics over the years.
All the supporting characters are looked at here as well. You will learn something that you did not know before.
As you read this book you will start to feel all the emotions attached to Spider-Man and the characters he interacts with.
All the main storylines are explored.
The new movie Spider-Man: Homecoming is talked about at length.
Amazing Spider-Talk is a podcast with two Spider-Man fans hosting it. The show interviews with some of the great talent to work on Spider-Man. The hosts Dan and Mark also discuss the newly released Spider-Man comics.
Spider-Man has appeared in many media comics, newspaper strips, movies, TV series, cartoons, video games.
The recipe for Aunt May’s Famous Wheatcakes is included. You have just got to try these they are delicious.
This book in informative, well written, well researched and entertaining. If you’re a fan of Spider-Man you must read it and you will love it.