Title: Luke Cage – Marvel Digital Original Vol 1 #1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Anthony Del Col
Artist: Jahnoy Lindsay
Color Artist: Ian Herring
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.marvel.com
Comments: “Everyman: Chapter 1” Luke Cage super-hero and his even more important job being a dad to his daughter Danielle. His wife Jessica is out of town so its all on him.
The art is fairly simple and done in a subdued manner. The coloring is soft. The art has a way of making people heads taller than normal. The faces are drawn expressionless for the most part. Once in a while you do get some like Luke’s angry face.
Luke is hired to protect a man. Things do take a turn that Luke is not pleased with. Things get real serious real fast for him. Than he is left with a crime to solve.
Things though do take an even more serious turn for Luke. He is big and strong with bulletproof skin yet he is not invulnerable.
Now Luke gets to play detective good thing for him he has two FBI agents to help him. Especially the way things are going for him. The story in this comic does get a bit depressive.
The book does dwell on the people being targeted that Luke is protecting and it also focuses on Luke’s health. So there is little action.
Everyman shows up he is also known by another name. He brings action and excitement. What is going on with him and what are his objectives?
Why is Harlem mentioned so much? Yes, the story takes place there but Harlem is mentioned a lot as if the location has a bearing on what is happening. The story could take place anywhere. Well maybe because Luke is from there and he does fit in there, it is his home.
Luke Cage does fit in as a hero for the people and it works having him on the streets of Harlem. Making him vulnerable and giving him a tough and rough super villain works well. This issue starts out letting us know this limited series will push Luke to his limits both physically and mentally.