Title: Koshchei: The Deathless # 1
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Created by: Mike Magnola
Story by: Mike Magnola
Art by: Ben Stenbeck
Colors by: Dave Stewart
Letters by: Clem Robins
Cover by: Mike Mignola with Dave Stewart
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.darkhorse.com
Comments: Koshchei tells his life’s story to Hellboy while these two former enemies have a drink in a bar. Koshchei certainly did have a most unusual upbringing. It was filled with many supernatural beings. He ended up with a magic shirt that protected him.
The art style is rough and dark. In this ancient medieval time, it fits beautifully.
Koshchei had a happy life and then he did not. He raised an army. His life has gone up and down and presently he is at a crossroads. Should he did as the old witch tells him or should he trust in his friend? Which way will save his soul? Koshchei has much to consider. Will he make the right choice? Only time will tell.
Warriors, witches, dragons, a princess, and so many more characters appear here.
Koshchei is a man who you will pity but also be touched by his story and think of him as a hero.