RICH REIVEWS: Tank Girl: Gold # 1

Title: Tank Girl: Gold # 1
Publisher: Titan Comics
Written by: Alan Martin
Drawn & Lettered by: Brett Parson
Cover: Ashley Wood
Variant Covers: The Black Frog, Andrey Tkacheno, Lora Zombie, Brett Parson
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Websites: ,
Comments: The art is a nice retro style and the coloring fits it perfectly.
Tank Girl’s team is under attack and they are in a sub with no Sub Girl. She is dead. They also have no weapons. So they might be dead soon. Just when you think a Tank Girl comic can not get any stranger. Sub Girl is back and normal well for her at least.
These characters are so out there Tank Girl, Jet Girl, Sub Girl, Booga and Barney. The situations they get into are weird beyond imagination.
You can feel the love they share for each other even while punishing two of their members.
“Tank Girl Gold” Booga and Barney have their own little adventure. They go on a buying spree in one store. Gold bullion does buy a lot. They have fun and get taken advantage of.

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