Title: Josie and the Pussycats # 2
Publisher: Archie Comics
Story by: Marguerite Bennett and Cameron Deordio
Art by: Audrey Mok
Coloring by: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Lettering by: Jack Morelli
Cover by: Chrissie Zullo
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: Josie and the Puss ycats are on the road to success. There first live concert though is not as glamorous as Josie expected.
The girls are updated in looks and the story is modernised as well.
The girls get into some trouble and plan to fix it by drag racing. Its Puss yacts vs Bikers. The race does have a few exciting moments and a few very weird hard to follow ones. It is fun following them.
Melody is portrayed as an airhead in some things.
The Puss ycats do make a great band and even better friends.
The back-up story “Brawn Is Beautiful” Script Frank Doyle, pencils Dan DeCarlo, inks Rudy Lapick and letters Bill Yoshida. This story focuses on Alex and Alan and how they fit in with the Puss ycats. They do have a rivelry going on for Josie. Both though are basically good guys. It is a good story with nice art.