Title: Barbie Puppy Party (GN)
Publisher: Papercutz
Writer: Danica Davidson
Artist and Colorist: Maria Victoria Robado
Additional Colorist: Laurie E. Smith
Letterer: Cardinal Rae
Price: $ 7.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: Barbie is out shopping with her sisters, Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea. They have four puppies, Rookie, DJ, Honey and Taffy. All eight of them are drawn so cute. The puppies have such wonderful expressions.
Barbie and her sisters are having a Puppy Party to try to get people to adopt pets. Chelsea is excited about dancing with her dogs to help the other dogs.
Barbie and her sisters do have a great cause and they are shown enjoying the fact that they are helping out needy pets. This is a real need in the world.
The sisters as well prepare a part for their puppies birthday. The looks on the puppies faces is priceless.
Beautiful art fills the pages of this all ages comic and the story will bring a happy tear to your eye.