RICH INTERVIEWS: Serg Acuna Illustrator for “WWE” from BOOM!

First Comics News: How and why did you become interested in drawing?

Serg Acuna: Since I was kid I always loved everything related to drawing and cartoons, so I always told my mom or my uncle to draw for me, until one day they just got tired and told me to “do it yourself”. So basically then I started drawing, haha!

1st: What was your first published comic book art?

Serg: One I drew with my university friends, it was self published and it was only a few copies.

1st: How do you achieve the tough guy persona of the wrestlers?

Serg: Well I don’t know, I think it’s because I always drew muscles and angry faces based on Street Fighter II, haha!

1st: Would you like to draw some of the Diva’s such as Sasha, Becky or Charlotte?

Serg: Yeah, that would be amazing!!!! Sasha, Bayley or Paige, but I think any Diva would be great to draw.

1st: In issue one you get to draw the former members of the Shield, do you have a favorite from them and if so why?

Serg: Each one of them has his strong points, and I enjoy the opportunity of draw the three of them in this issue. I spent more time drawing Seth so I think he won this time.

1st: You give Triple H a bit of a maniacal expression, how was this achieved?

Serg: He is such a great character, with a such a great personality that I think it shows up on it’s own.

1st: Which finishing move do you think you would have the most trouble illustrating it in motion?

Serg: I think it was the RKO.

1st: How did you learn to draw facial expressions so well?

Serg: I have a lot to improve, but what I do now is because of years and years of reading comics and watching movies and anime, and some years of college, hahaha!

1st: Which other artists do you admire?

Serg: I love Sean Murphy, Mahmud Asrar, Olivier Coipel, Jimm Lee, Kennth Rocafort, Greg Capullo and a lot more.

1st: Which other comic book would you most like to illustrate?

Serg: Well the little kid inside me would squeal with any classic hero like Batman or Superman haha, but right now there are so many interesting franchises like Power Rangers or TMNT that it’s very difficult to choose one.

1st: Why do you love dinosaurs?

Serg: That’s a good one, haha! I think it’s a love that came from past lives, because I’ve loved them since I have memory. And movies like Jurassic Park just made that love grow and grow.

1st: Are you a fan of the WWE?

Serg: I was a fan of WWE when I was a kid, I loved the Rock so much! But my parents didn’t like it so much, haha! And then there was not enough time because of work. But now drawing the WWE comic I read a lot, and watch a lot every day, so I’m a fan again!

1st: Would you like to step into the squared circle?

Serg: That would be like a dream, but just as spectator, haha. I don’t have muscles and I think my daughter would love to have her dad for a couple more years!

1st: What would you like to say to the many fans of your art?

Serg: Thanks for the support, every drawing’s made with love, sweat, effort and some tears haha.

Serg Acuña
Comicbook artist

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