RICH INTERVIEW: Danielle Nungesser Actress Scare & Crow Prod.

First Comics News: How did you become a part of Scare and Crow Productions?

Danielle Nungesser: This was a project that I was brought onto by Amy Grimes. They were looking for an actress for the role and I took it.

1st: Why do you like to act?

Danielle: I’ve been wanting to act since I was 5. When I turned 26, I started that dream. It’s a relief. And I’ve been more passionate about it since I started my YouTube channel with my first SAG film, Dolan.

1st: Can you tell us about what your working on at Scare and Crow Productions?

Danielle: The name of the film is Ghost House. It’s supposed to be a comedy horror film. I’m both a dramatic and comedic actress, so this works well!

1st: Do you like to portray a strong female character when you act?

Danielle: It really depends. When I act, I don’t judge my character. I just bring m character out no matter who she is.

1st: What is “Dolan” about?

Danielle: It’s about these 4 girls who just graduated from High School and they are spending their last sleep over together before heading to college. But then they get harassing phone calls from a stranger outside the house. Later he just goes on a killing rampage. But I didn’t want to make this typical slasher kind of movie. I wanted something a little more deep with my killer. Something the audience could sympathize with. Dolan is free to watch on my YouTube channel “Danielle Nungesser”

1st: You wrote/produced/directed and acted in “Dolan” did you find it overwhelming at times doing so much?

Danielle: It was pretty overwhelming. I was the SAG producer, and this was my first film. The cool thing though is I hired Robin Shelby onto the project. She played Slimer in Ghostbusters 2 and Lady Slimer in the Ghostbusters reboot movie. Super sweet lady!! She chilled me out when I felt overwhelmed. Everyone did an amazing job and Tim Hale blew my mind with his performance as Dolan. In the end, it was a great hit with almost one-thousand hits on YouTube.

1st: What is your acting role in “Dolan”?

Danielle: I played Jamie. She was basically the idiot out of the group, haha. The one that gets killed off first. But I did that on purpose just so I could concentrate on the directing.

1st: You were in “Unwavering” how do you think this movie turned out?

Danielle: I haven’t yet seen Unwavering, but I can say that I think it’s going to be an amazing and touching movie. I’m not religious, but I don’t think you have to be to appreciate Unwavering. I loved everything about it and Josh Menning is a great director as well as a great person.

1st: What will people find on your youtube channel?

Danielle: There’s Dolan, but funny thing is I do a lot of comedy skits and nerd talk. I’m a huge Star Wars fan and people who watch my channel love that. I also do motivational speaking and feel good videos. I want my channel to be a place of entertainment and positivity.

1st: What is your personality like?

Danielle: I can be pretty shy, but once you get to know me, I can be quite annoying and obnoxious. Haha! Not too much, but enough to make people say, “Oh gosh, she’s crazy.”

1st: Do you like being the center of attention and why?

Danielle: Honestly, I only do what makes me feel good. I don’t mind people talking to me, but again… I’m really shy. I like to be in the light if someone wants to talk to me, but then afterwards I say thank you and try to move out of it as soon as I can.

1st: Are you a Geek Girl, do you like chocolate and tattoos?

Danielle: One, Yes! Two, can’t live without it. Three, I have a few tattoos and I wish to have one more.

1st: What do you think of “Boondock Saints”?

Danielle: Boondock Saints molded me into the actress that I am now. I’ve looked up to Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus for over 8 years now. I met them a few times and each time has been amazing.

1st: Any advice for people wanting to be actors?

Danielle: Don’t quit. That’s how you fail. And believe!

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