REVIEW: In Hell We Fight

TITLE: In Hell We Fight
PUBLISHER: Image Comics
PRICE: $3.99
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SUMMARY: Hostage or houseguest? In the deepest darkest heart of hell, three best friends have rescued a kidnapped angel. Now they have to decide what to do with her.

COMMENTS: Last issue our heroes hijacked an ice Cream truck in hopes of stealing Ice Cream only to find it was actually transporting a kidnapped angel.
This issue opens with them taking her to their hideout, a spooky old haunted mansion to hold her for ransom. I really enjoyed this issue, as we get to see how Midori died and learned that the angel’s name is Angel. Angel reminds me of the 90’s magical girl in the vein of Sailor Moon. BlaphaDagon is even more adorable this time around. This is another good issue Joe Bob says Check it out

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