Young Avengers Presents # 6
Writer: Matt Fraction
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Mark Farmer
Colorist: Paul Mounts
Letterer: Virtual Calligraphy’s Cory Petit
Cover Date: August 2008
This week, I’ll take a look at Young Avengers Presents # 6, the special that set up the meeting between Kate Bishop and Clint Barton. Right away, the back and forth that Kate and Clint displayed really help set the tone for the series which I found to be a breath of fresh air.
I also like how this special detailed Kate’s complicated relationship with Eli Bradley (Patriot) and her date night with Tommy Shepard (Speed) turns into a mission to retrieve Kate’s bow (Which was originally Clint’s bow given to Kate by Captain America); Another great thing about this special was that there, not a single villain that occupied this story but turns into a heroic epic about a young hero doing her best to claim a mantle and create her own legacy. Seeing Clint as Ronin was, and always will be, an amazing concept that reintroduced him to longtime Avengers fans but also showed him in a new light, so his appearance in the Ronin costume is another perfect touch for this issue. Matt Fraction weaved a tale that put the spotlight on Kate Bishop to great effect but showed respect to the Avengers with perfection. Alan Davis and Mark Farmer once again shine in the artwork department as their flawless collaboration brings such excellence in whatever projects they work so it’s always a pleasure to see their craft on full display.
This issue of “Young Avengers Presents” not only puts the spotlight on Kate Bishop, but it makes her a remarkable character in the process with all credit going to Matt Fraction. It also expands the Young Avengers’ foundation with brilliance and it never loses the charm and lighthearted factors which made them, and Kate Bishop, quite memorable to Marvel fans.
Well, that’s it for me. Thanks for sticking around and I will be back next time with a new review,