REVIEW CORNER: We Are Scarlet Twilight # 1

We Are Scarlet Twilight # 1
Writer/Artist/Colorist/Letterer: Benjamin W. Morse
Cover Date: March 2023
This week, I’ll look at We Are Scarlet Twilight, a new four-issue limited series from Red 5 Comics.

The year is 1938 and the hero of this series, who goes by Captain Lancet is one of the best crime fighters in the Golden Age era with a dark and somewhat surprising twist. To his dismay, he’s about to have a hand in creating one of the most notorious supervillains to ever exist all while giving birth to a dystopian future.

Fans of Pulp comics will find all the familiar trademarks that come with crafting a story from this timeless genre such as the dialogue but you’ll be shocked to find out that the hero of this series is a vampire (Which I feel brings the cool factor to an all-time high); The way Morse writes Captain Lancet as a bold and brash hero is an absolute credit to his creativity due to him bringing the 1930s alive within each page thanks in part to his artwork and coloring. The ending will shock you (**NO SPOILERS**) but will also have the readers come back for the next issue to see what else develops from this issue.

A great mixture of Pulp and Sci-Fi, We Are The Scarlet Twilight is pretty much The Shadow and Flash Gordon rolled into one that is sure to captivate anyone who picks up this series. Is it worth your time? YES! get ready for the thrill of a lifetime with the premise and I’m hoping Morse getting more attention that will definitely make him a creator worth checking for.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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