REVIEW CORNER: Super Duck # 1

“Super Duck # 1” (2020)

Writers: Frank Tieri & Ian Flynn
Artist: Ryan Jampole
Colorist: Matt Herms
Letterer: Jack Morelli


I guess that I can’t leave those darn anthropomorphic characters alone, can’t it?! Well, it looks like this week I’ll take a look at Super Duck # 1 from the good folks at Archie Comics. When I read this, I have to say that this was very entertaining; Think “Ducktales” mixed in with the spirit of Superman along with a good dose of Deadpool thrown in for good measure. Really love how the book kicks off with the standard yet classic opening of the hero fighting his number one arch-nemesis in this case, Super Duck’s main villain is Dapper Duck (Who’s a perfect parody of The pre-Crisis Lex Luthor) and you’ll enjoy the action sequences the incorporate the comedic elements that really brings the story alive. For his part, Frank Tieri brings the humor that he showcased on his “Harley Quinn” run as well as his “Old Lady Harley” miniseries and it works very perfectly with a character such a Super Duck, plus I also have to add that I love that his powers come from taking “Super Vitamins” (That plot device will be played out in his miniseries); But this series is just so fun and silly when it comes to poking fun at the whole superhero genre that you’ll find yourself rooting for Super Duck or wondering if he’ll get his act together (He can be a little egotistical), But this is a comic that should be on anyone’s radar and it wouldn’t surprise me if Super Duck comes back for an ongoing series due to the enthusiasm that’s on display thanks to this series’ first issue.

Next Week I’ll keep “Review Corner’ going with another review so be on the lookout for that and I’ll see you all next time.

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