REVIEW CORNER: Grommets # 1

Grommets # 1 (2024)
Writers: Rick Remember & Brian Posehn
Artist: Brett Parson
Colorist: Moreno DiNisio
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Rating: 10/10
This week I will look at issue one of “Grommets”, a new series that takes a look at the skate culture of the 1980s a fun fact about the title of this series is that it comes from skater slang, and it is a term used for any young up-and-coming skater or surfer. The series itself focuses on two best-friend outcasts who navigate the Sacramento suburbs of 1984, where they find a home in skateboard culture and punk rock. Rick and his family just moved to Sac-town. Hence, he has a hard time making friends that is, until he meets Brian, a kid who builds himself up as the king of the town (I mean, he did make the admission that Stacy Peralta wants to sign him, which got a big laugh out of me) his skating skills, however, come to light after the last page (**NO SPOILERS**)
Anyone who loves skateboarding and anything from the 80s will be immediately charmed by this title, mainly due to Rick Remender pulling out the stops on what could very well be his first-ever comedic series that loads up on teenage angst. to great effect. However, it should be noted that co-writer Brian Posehn (His work on “Mr. Show”, to no mention his run on “Deadpool” with Gerry Duggan is still top-notch to this day) also deserves kudos because of the strong influence he had in developing this series as the dialogue is filled with many witticisms that makes the characters that much interesting. Capturing the radiant colors, tone, and look of a decade that defined pop culture and the skater culture that is still looked at with such radiance to this very day, “Grommets” takes great pleasure in bringing back the 80s in a way that makes us appreciate everything that came out of that era and with the whole “coming of age” factor making this series important and not feeling like a “Freaks And Geeks” rip-off, it truly feels like a spiritual sequel to “The Sandlot”, only with skateboarding instead of baseball, and a reminder that you might want to crank up your 80s playlist when you get your hands on this issue because you’re in for quite a ride.
Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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