REVIEW CORNER: Duck & Cover # 1

Duck & Cover # 1
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterers: Bernardo Brice & RAD
Cover Date: September 2024

This week I will look at “Duck & Cover # 1” from Dark Horse Comics, the latest offering from the acclaimed team of Scott Snyder & Rafael Albuquerque, which tells the story of a teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America circa 1955.

Most of the issue introduces us to the cast but the main character Del Reeves, who has plans to move to California to pursue his love for filmmaking, finds that the movies he’s grown up to love and appreciate have come to life thanks to a nuclear exchange that obliterates the United States. Now it’s up to Del and the remaining teens to survive this new disastrous reality. This is an interesting take on the vintage “duck & cover” method that is taught in schools everywhere in the event of any nuclear/terrorist attack, but the one major question that no one dared to ask is what happens next?! Luckily, this series manages to give us a more chilling answer; To me, that’s the brilliance of Snyder’s creativity is that he can take something as simple as this maneuver and mold it into a story that takes the Cold War hysteria and takes it to such new and horrifying heights while adding in some Manga/Sci-Fi aspects that make it more appealing rather than standing out as a “War of the Worlds” rip-off. This series again shows that when Snyder and Alburquerque come together, they give the readers strong characterization within their characters, making this a series worthy of your time.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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