REVIEW CORNER: Dark Reign: Hawkeye # 1

Dark Reign: Hawkeye # 1
Writer: Andy Diggle
Penciller: Tom Raney
Inker: Scott Hanna
Colorist: Guru-EFX
Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Cover Date: June 2009


This week, I’ll take a look at “Dark Reign: Hawkeye”, a limited series that takes liberties with Marvel’s favorite marksman and turns it into something very brutal.

After the events of “Secret Invasion”, Norman Osborn decides to put together his own team of Avengers where some of the members are true villains and live by one rule- they must act like heroes, and that means no killing whatsoever! But the most shocking team member of all is Bullseye, donning the mantle of Hawkeye.

Now most of this series sees Bullseye being completely brutal with no remorse for the lives he’s taken under the guise of a hero
and the dark overtones that Andy Diggle and Tom Raney put on display here really helps the story in exposing Bullseye’s evil side which hasn’t been done since Frank Miller’s groundbreaking run on “Daredevil”; Taking the concept of “American Psycho” then rework it to fit the sadistic elements within the Marvel Universe and “Dark Reign: Hawkeye” is the perfect vehicle for that because it takes the readers inside the psyche of one of the vilest characters in comics to see him try to be a hero….and then takes pride when he makes a mess, which I feel makes for a compelling story all while being a very disturbing footnote in Hawkeye’s history.

Well, that’s it for me this week. I’ll be back next week with another review so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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