
Writer: Mikko
Artist: Maribel Conjero

Publication Year: 2022


This week, I will look back at a rare gem of a graphic novel called “Cosplay” from Europe Comics. The story puts the focus on Abel, a kid who loves cosplaying but his parents don’t get it, and it does not help that his brother is a dumb jock. Luckily, Comic-Kon is just around the corner, and this year, Abel plans to win the cosplay contest as his hero, Batman. But there are other surprises in store when an intelligence team invades the floor in hot pursuit of a rogue agent, it’s now up to Abel and his friends to be true heroes as a series of chases and double-crosses ensue will teach these eager kids what being a true hero really means.

It’s rare to find a comic, let alone a graphic novel that celebrates cosplaying in all of its essences; The fact that the story has some action elements thrown in the mix keeps this from being generic. The creative team clearly shows the beauty and magic of cosplaying. However, it gives ordinary people who grew up reading comic books the chance to be heroes. Hence, this GN is the perfect love letter for anyone who takes the craft of cosplaying to great heights making it a staple for any comic book convention. The characters displayed here find themselves in the typical cookie-cutter route that one would find in any story about teenagers. Still, the one thing that makes them stand out is that they’re at least likable to where every one of them has their moment to truly shine. A fun, heart-filled romp that will make anyone see cosplayers in a more heroic light rather than being mocked for their fandom, this GN is a true testament for anyone who loves Geek Culture with a passion.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around. I will see you all next time.

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