writer: Dan Abnett | artist: Jonathan Lau
covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Junggeun Yoon (B), Joseph Michael Linsner (C), Jonathan Lau (D), Kano (E), Emiliana Pinna (F), Sergio Davila (G), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (H), Jonathan Lau (RI/BW), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/BW), Kano (RI/Virgin), Sergio Davila (RI/Virgin), Emiliana Pinna (RI/BW),Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (RI/Virgin),Jonathan Lau (RI/BW Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/BW Virgin), Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW Virgin)
FC | 32 pages | Superhero/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+
Sonja beholds the futuristic wonders of The Project’s interdimensional home base! She’s given high-tech weapons and battle armor, an education on metaphysics and magic. Sonja is one of the greatest warriors of all time; what she is not…is a good student.
By DAN ABNETT (Guardians Of The Galaxy) and JONATHAN LAU (Red Sonja)!