Red Sonja: Age of Chaos #3
writer: Erik Burnham | artist: Jonathan Lau
covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Alan Quah (B), Alé Garza (C)
Kunkka (D), Shannon Kingston Cosplay (E)
Derrick Chew #4 Sneak Peek Cover (RI)
Derrick Chew Monochromatic #4 Sneak Peek Cover (RI)
Lucio Parrillo “Pure Pencil” Sketch Cover (RI/BW)
Shannon Kingston Cosplay (RI-Virgin), Lucio Parrillo (RI/BW)
Alah Quah “Pure Pencil” Sketch Cover (RI/BW Virgin)
Icon Edition Cover: Adam Hughes (RI)
Icon Edition Cover: Michael Turner (RI)
Lucio Parrillo CGC-Graded Cover
FC | 32 pages | Fantasy/Horror | $3.99 | Teen+
Red Sonja, paired with the half-vampire Chastity, is on the path to setting things right, restoring the timeline and hopefully saving humanity in the process. But Chastity isn’t the only strange visitor from another time; Jade, Evil Ernie, and Purgatori have all come to Hyboria as well, and they’ve taken a shine to the savage world as an easy place to indulge their dangerous natures. They may not take so well to the notion of going home. (Plus, Ernie gets to ride a dragon, which is almost impossible where he comes from.) The She-Devil’s adventure in the Age of Chaos continues here!