Developed by New York Times-bestselling author and comic and graphic novel creator Jason M. Burns, Red Card’s sci-fi plot begins after a mission into space leads to alien spores – known as Shuttle Dust – being released into the atmosphere. As a result, the majority of the population transforms into mindless, insect-like creatures. The world falls into disarray and those who remain turn to a man named The Zoltan who hosts dangerous, gladiator-style soccer games where players must face off with the Shuttle Dusters. Junior, his star player and the story’s protagonist, attempts to master the games and liberate the camp of survivors.
“The creative forces at Fan The Flame have done another amazing job of bringing my passions to life,” said Neymar Jr. “Red Card combines my love of science fiction, superheroes, comic books, and of course, soccer. I believe the new platform will make the readers’ experience even more enjoyable.”
Aiming to expand on its already impressive audience—more than 2.6 million followers in just a year since its launch—Red Card is the first title of several planned to take advantage of an entirely new model for comics, tailored to its digital-native audience’s mobile-driven habits and preferences. Short episodes of content will be available five days or more per week, in a free, ad-supported user interface that publishes in six languages and utilizes multiple reading capabilities, including the Digitoons vertical scrolling format, which is similar to other popular reading systems such as Webtoons.
Featuring art by Ramon Espinoza and colors by Dustin Evans, Red Card can be accessed online at or through the dynamic, immersive experience of the Neymar Jr. Comics app. This breakthrough app for comic book fans is available in either iOS format through the App Store or Android format in the Google Play Store.
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Fan The Flame Concepts LLC, an independent comic and graphic novel producer, today announced the first issues of Neymar Jr. Comics’ latest science fiction title Red Card, the first new comic series to debut on their enhanced digital comics platform and available to read for free.
Neymar Jr. Comics also offers options for the traditional comic book reader: print editions will be available in the coming months to buy, and the purchase option in the digital platform allows a reader to view and download the entire book at once, without any advertising present or having to wait for the full series to be released weekly over a two month period.
Like all Neymar Jr. Comics titles, Red Card donates a portion of its proceeds to the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr., Neymar’s non-profit social organization. INJR aims to expand opportunities for children, adolescents and their families living in situations of social vulnerability through education, culture, sports and health.
Neymar Jr. Comics is also available for partnerships with entertainment ventures looking to license new, original stories, and the new platform is designed to be a new, high-engagement avenue for advertisers and brands looking to reach new audiences in an intuitive new way.