“Kamaitachi,” Powers Squared’s 19th issue, will be released on Wednesday, December 6. The issue, primarily written by Paul Hankins, tells the story of three sword-wielding yokai who ride in on the wind and attack Marty, Eli, and their friends on the campus of San Romero Community College.
“I got the idea from the ‘Yosenju’ cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!, which are themed after Kamaitachi,” says Paul. “Kamaitachi are magical weasels from Japanese mythology. I want us to explore the yokai side of the story more in the comic book, so I wrote the story with that in mind. Also, I like writing more action-oriented stories than we’ve done in the past. This issue certainly has that.”
While Paul handled most of the writing, David Hankins made some contributions. “I thought that we should include Jennifer in the story. She’s part of the boys’ group of friends, is dating Eli and is very smart and this was an opportunity to show that. But otherwise, the story’s Paul’s.”
The artwork is done by Rachel Wells, her fourteenth book, the coloring is by Julia Canon and the lettering is by Trevor Hankins, who is also a co-creator of the book. Images of the first few pages of the issue can be found at Issue #19 – Kamaitachi.
“Kamaitachi” will be available in both digital and print through the following platforms: GlobalComix, Kindle, Indy Planet and Artithmeric.com. Links can be found at https://powerssquaredcomicbook.com/the-campus-store. Sign up for the newsletter by enrolling today at https://powerssquaredcomicbook.com/srcc.
About Powers Squared
Powers Squared is based in the Lake Balboa area of Van Nuys. Created by Paul, Trevor and David Hankins, there are currently nineteen issues available. More information can be found on their website https://powerssquaredcomicbook.com.