As we look back on 2005 and look forward to 2006 we took some time out…
Comic Book Biography: BOB McLEOD
Back in the day, it was hard to find a hotter artist than Bob McLeod. As…
Holly Golightly talks about SCHOOL BITES
Holly Golightly is the High Priestess of Production, Colourist and Vice President of Jim Balent’s BroadSword…
Zack Sherman talks about SOCOM: SEAL TEAM SEVEN
You start with a submarine downed in the Persian Gulf, and a string of mystifying attacks…
Bruce Jones talks about NIGHTWING
In March, as part of the creative shuffle that accompanies the “One Year Later” shift of…
Comicbook Biography: ADAM HUGHES
Adam Hughes is one the the most sought after cover artist in comics today, especially if…
Cully Hamner talks about the BLUE BEETLE
Cully Hamner has been the go to guy for specials, one-shots and miniseries for the last…
Comic Book Biography: JIM BALENT
Jim Balent has worked on everything for War Comics to Horror with a long run in…
Todd McFarlane talks about SPAWN
Todd McFarlane at the height of his popularity at Marvel left both Marvel and Spider-Man behind.…
Comic Book Biography: ROGER STERN
Roger Stern has done everything you can do in comics, from fanzines, to editing. From writing…
Terry Hooper: Keeper of the Black Tower
Terry Hooper has been writing, drawing, and self-publishing comic books in England for several decades, now.…
Thomas Jane & Co. talk about BAD PLANET
Thomas Jane, Steve Niles, Lewis LaRosa and Tim Bradstreet are working on a new comic, Bad…
Joe Kubert talks about SGT. ROCK
Joe Kubert is the living legend of comics. He began his career at age 11 and…
Comic Book Biography: MARV WOLFMAN
Speaking from a large-picture perspective, Crisis on Infinite Earths was the most important comic series for…
Bruce Jones talks about VIGILANTE
The Vigilante is one of those classic Golden Age DC heroes that keeps being reinvented for…
Comic Book Biography: JOHN ROMITA JR.
John Romita Jr. has had a long and successful career in comics. He is in the…
Comic Book Biography: TY GORTON
Ty Gorton’s new comic Runes of Ragnan has just made the jump to Image comics. The…
John Byrne talks about his and Gail Simone’s Action Departure
There have been a lot of rumors and speculation about what happened with Gail Simone and…
Comic Book Biography: PASQUAL FERRY
Pasqual Ferry has come a long way from Plasmer to the Ultimate Universe. I contacted Pasqual…
Mr. Metro’s John DaCosta
John DaCosta is a young, 25-year-old newcomer to the comic book publishing industry. His very first,…
Comic Book Biography: PETER DAVID (volume 2)
The last time I talked with Peter David he was writing Captain Marvel and Marvel was…
Eric Powell talks about DEVIL DINOSAUR
Devil Dinosaur has been a favorite of pros for years. He is a Jack Kirby creation…
Comic Book Biography: TOM DERNICK
Tom Derenick’s run on JLA starts in two weeks on October 12th with issue #120, the…
Tom DeFalco talks about SPIDER-GIRL
Tom DeFalco has spent the last 8 years with Spider-Man’s daughter, Mayday Parker. Tom took some…
The Shadowline team talk about SHADOWHAWK
Last moth it was announced that there was a new writer on Jim Valentino’s ShadowHawk. This…
Comic Book Biography: GRANT MORRISON
Grant Morrison has always had an unusual and original perspective on what makes a good comic,…
Comic Book Biography: NORM BREYFOGLE
Norm Breyfogle, has done everything. From penciling, inking and lettering the Whisper, to Drawing Batman, Detective…
Comic Book Biography: CULLY HAMNER
For 14 years Cully Hamner has been bringing us his unique vision. From super heroes to…
Comic Book Biography: BARBARA SLATE
Barbara Slate has done it all from Greeting Cards, to television. She has worked for DC,…
Comic Book Biography: JEPH LOEB
Jeph Loeb has worked on everything in comics from The Challengers of the Unknown to Superman…
Comic Book Biography: CHARLES SATTERLEE
Charles Satterlee of Agony Acres fame has developed two new comics debuting from Speakeasy Comics; Of…
PIRATE TALES #2 SEP052828 by Richard Becker, Dave Matsuoka, & Jeff Gan Come join Old Bones…
Comic Book Biography: DAN PARENT
Dan Parent is an eighteen-year Archie Comics veteran. In addition to Archie Comics, Dan has worked…