SUPER ‘SUCKERS #2.2 preview

SUPER ‘SUCKERS #2.2 Mirror, Mirror Part 2 Kelly’s purchase of a vampire mirror gets Vera into…

STARTUP #1.2 preview

STARTUP #1.2 Escalations! Who are Press and Madame Macro and why do they hate our sanguine…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 22

Title: Zombie Tramp # 22 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written/Created by: Dan Mendoza Artwork by: TMCHu…

RICH REVIEW: Peanuts Volume Seven

Title: Peanuts Volume Seven Publisher: KaBOOM! Studios Cover: Art by: Charles M. Schulz Cover Color &…

INKBLOTS: Voting Is Open For The Inkwell Awards From April 15-30

(New Bedford, MA/USA—April 13, 2016) The Inkwell Awards, a non-profit organization devoted to the education and…

TELEPATHETIC #1.1 preview

TELEPATHETIC #1.1 First-Timers! What if you were fourteen and could read minds? Or tell secrets to…


THE MLJ COMPANION: The Complete History of the Archie Comics Super-Heroes 288-page FULL-COLOR Trade Paperback –…

RICH REVIEWS: Vampblade # 3

Title: Vampblade # 3 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created/Written/Colored by: Jason Martin Artwork by: James Stanley,…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 21

Title: Zombie Tramp # 21 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written/Created by: Dan Mendoza Artwork by: TMCHu…

RICH REVIEWS: The Only Living Boy # 1 “Prisoner of the Patchwork Planet”

Title: The Only Living Boy # 1 “Prisoner of the Patchwork Planet” (GN) Publisher: Papercutz Writer/Co-Creator:…

Orlando Harding talks about the RRH TPB

First Comics News: What is does RRH stand for? Orlando Harding: Red Riding Hood 1st: Who…

Justing Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti talk about DELETE

First Comics News: When does Delete take place? Justin Gray: It falls under speculative science fiction…

SUPER ‘SUCKERS #2.1 preview

SUPER ‘SUCKERS #2.1 Mirror, Mirror (Part 1 of 3) Jess and Kelly’s sexy and hilarious vampire…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 20

Title: Zombie Tramp # 20 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created/Written and Drawn by: Dan Mendoza Colors…

Best Review Ever! BADGER #2

TITLE: BADGER #2 PUBLISHER: Devil’s Due/1First Comics WRITER: Mike Baron ILLUSTRATOR: Tony Akins, Val Mayerik, back…

RICH REVIEWS: Vampblade # 2

Title: Vampblade # 2 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created/Written/Colored by: Jason Martin Artwork by: Winston Young…

Best Review Ever! JOHN KIRBY: FIREFOX #1

TITLE: John Kirby: Firefox #1 PUBLISHER: Will Lill Comics WRITER: Warren Montgomery ILLUSTRATOR: Lee Melton &…

Best Review Ever! THE DRUDE Volume 1: Hanging Out & Hung Up On The Line

TITLE: THE DRUDE Volume 1: Hanging Out & Hung Up On The Line PUBLISHER: DevilsDue/1First Comics…

Frostbite the Snowman Creator Steve Daniels

Okay, here’s the long and the short of it: Steve Daniels talks about his Frostbite the…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 19

Title: Zombie Tramp # 19 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created & Written by: Dan Mendoza Co-Written…

Trevor Von Eeden talks about his career

Trevor Von Eeden is a gentleman who I’m not going to write a lengthy introduction to…

Best Review Ever! CAPTAIN CANUCK #7

TITLE: CAPTAIN CANUCK #7 PUBLISHER: Chapterhouse WRITER: Kalman Andrasofszky ILLUSTRATOR: Leonard Kirk COLORS: Irma Kniivila LETTERS:…

RICH REVIEWS: The Shield # 2

Title: The Shield # 2 Publisher: Dark Circle Comics Writers: Adam Christopher & Chuck Wendig Artists:…



RICH REVIEWS: Vampblade # 1

Title: Vampblade # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Created/Written/Colored by: Jason Martin Artwork by: Winston Young…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp TPB Vol. 6

Title: Zombie Tramp TPB Vol. 6 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Co-Written & Created by: Jason Martin…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp VD Special #1

Title: Zombie Tramp VD Special # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written and Created by: Dan…


  A month ago, when David Bowie passed away, I thought about my favourite song of…

Best Review Ever! TAROT #96

TITLE: Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #96 PUBLISHER: Broadsword WRITER: Jim Balent ILLUSTRATOR: Jim Balent…

RICH REVIEWS: Spirit Leaves # 1

Title: Spirit Leaves # 1 Publisher: Chapter House Comics Writer/Artist/Cover: Rossi Gifford Price: $ 3.99 US…

THE WRIGHT STUFF #7: Men Without Pants

A while back, I came across this cartoon on deviantart. It features the Justice League with…

INKBLOTS: Rich Buckler Made Inkwell Awards Ambassador, Roster Changes

(New Bedford, MA/USA—January 7, 2016) Legendary “Bronze-Age” comic-book artist Rich Buckler (Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Thor,…

RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp XXX-Mas Special #1

Title: Zombie Tramp Saves XXX-Mas # 1 Publisher: Action Lab Comics Written by: Jason Martin Co-Written…